Monday, November 18, 2013


I'm not quite sure why I am writing this. There are times where I believe I am too reflective. However, anyone who's gone through rough moments within their lives, whether it be the loss of a loved one, rejection, or illness knows that it allows for a time of deep introspection. You begin to question things that you never had before. The question, "What is the meaning of life?" that once seemed frivolous, is now significant, and is an answer that you actively search for. I'm 22 years old, with very little life experience compared to most, but the answer that I've been able to come up with is "people".

Take a second and imagine something. Close your eyes, and try to visualize the earth where there are no buildings, no sanitation, and no other human beings. There is nothing to this world beside the landscape that you used to peer out at from your window. You're all alone in this world, similar to the concept of a deserted island. Do you think you'd be able to attain happiness in this version of your life? Sure, this sounds like a Greenpeace member's wet dream, and if we don't curtail our rate of consumption we may very well be handing this type of world to future generations. However, I feel the answer for most would be a resounding "No".

When I leave my house now and walk through a city or town I'm amazed at the thought that we built this. We constructed these immensely complex societies, through generations of fostering education and cooperation with one another. It's our duty to soak up everything that past generations have to offer us, then build upon it ourselves and pass it down to our young one's. That is a fulfilling life, and that is our purpose. This may sound redundant, but knowledge and love will provide you with more wealth than any material objects ever could.

Human beings are social animals, we need to be able to connect emotionally and foster relationships with others, it's what gives our lives meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, I feel as if we're entering into an age in which we are becoming increasingly disconnected with one another. Technology, something that was able to make communication easier, may ultimately make it harder upon us and future generations. Bear in mind, the technological advancements are great as long as people use them properly. But when you're out to dinner with friends and spend the entire time on Facebook, or you spend hours a day taking the appropriate selfie to put on Instagram, you're out of touch with what's reality.

We no longer value friendship or connection like those who came before us. We now are mostly concerned with flaunting ourselves, and attaining a lifestyle that others would be envious of. We market ourselves through these social media outlets trying to create a picture of how close we are to being perfect. I don't know about you but I don't want to live in a world where everyone is perfect. Where's the fun in that? I constantly see people our age who are absurdly insecure, yet will go to great lengths to paint themselves as if they are without any flaws.

Flaws are what make us unique, it's what makes us human beings. Media will constantly fill you with images on why you don't fit society, and what you must acquire to achieve this normalcy that is so coveted. What should you say to these images being thrown your way making you feel inadequate? Fuck Em!

I am not saying that I constantly abide to these traits, but these are traits that I find most appealing in people, traits that I believe our world is doing a pretty good job of devaluing:

1. Vulnerability - Being vulnerable is usually linked with weakness, but I feel the opposite to be true. Yes, we are supposed to constantly flex our muscle and show how the world can't beat us down, but that is unrealistic and fake. We are vulnerable creatures, it's perfectly natural. What's unnatural is to deny our vulnerabilities and go through great lengths to hide them at all costs. I admire those who can be open about what their faults are, the people who allow you to see them for who they really are. I'm under the belief that that takes much more strength than walking around blindly parading how awesome you are. Now, bear in mind, when I say be vulnerable, I don't mean go on Facebook and rant to strangers about how much you hate yourself. I'm merely advising you to be open with those who you're close with. This is the very reason I will not list my insecurities through some blog, but if you're a friend and want to know on a personal level, than I'd be more than happy to oblige.

2. Compassion - In order for one to be vulnerable, others must be compassionate. To be empathetic may not come right away to some. More often than not, it's a trait that needs to be cultivated through life experiences and your own personal effort. But compassion is key to being human. It takes a truly special person to be able to feel someone else's pain or elation. If we are to succeed and prosper as people, we need to be able to understand each other, and empathize with what others may be going through, otherwise we will never be able to fully grasp the consequences of our actions (which is truly dangerous). Throughout your life, I feel it's important to be able to do your best to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to understand them instead of neglecting them.

3. Sincerity - I'm a hypocrite as I dont fully take part in this trait. I was taught to look out for my own interests among everything else, honesty was not valued in that ideology. However, those who are sincere and genuine in their actions are those who will forever be most respected among their peers. The true measure of someone's character is the ability one has to help someone else that can do nothing for them. Instead of constantly playing psychological games with a person to obtain what you want out of them, just be open and honest. It will likely help you in the long-run and create more trusting relationships throughout your life.

4. Easygoing - I think this trait is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll add my two cents anyways. Life is hard, it's supposed to be. But life is also fun, and if you take yourself too seriously you're going to have an unfulfilling existence. It's ok to make fun of yourself as long as it's not self-humiliating. Would you rather be around someone who constantly finds faults with everything, or someone who consistently lets things roll off his shoulder and finds the good within every day. Whether you are aware of it or not, life is extremely fragile, so it's important savor the time you do have. Life is messy, enjoy it!

5. Impervious - Let me clarify, when I say impervious, I mean impervious to comparing yourself with others. If your worth and value as a person are tied to what others are doing than you may be in for a life of disappointment. We are given these rigid paths that we must abide by, and if we fall off the path at any point than we are told we've failed because others haven't. The truth is, we all have different paths in life, none are identical. I can not stress this enough, but do not constantly measure yourself up against others. No one is going to want to spend time with the person who uses others as nothing more than a measuring stick for him or herself. Yes, you do need to listen to what other people think, it's impossible not to. An important quality is the ability to take in constructive criticism, but it shouldn't be everything. There are people in this world who aren't going to like you and that's perfectly ok. If you get too caught into what others think, it's going to do nothing but drive you mad. As long as you like yourself, that should be enough!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you found some pleasure in this ridiculous rant of mine :)

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